Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Creature Cantina: You better watch yourself…

In my own mind, I was the envy of all the other kids in school. In third grade, I was the only kid to get the coveted Star Wars Creature Cantina. This was a Sears catalog exclusive and came with a shorter version of the Snagletooth figure, wearing a blue jumpsuit.

Creature CantinaHere’s a scan of the cardboard backdrop from the playset. Other than the band and the jawas (taking a nap on the corner of the stage) there aren’t any other aliens from the movie. Check out the big headed, green guy in the middle of the picture. He’s up to no good for sure!

You had to fold the cardboard along allot of creases to get it to fit into the plastic base of the play set. The crease marks in the picture are from that.

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