Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yoda had a pet snake

Yoda was my all time favorite action figure from my childhood. He could do anything he put his mind to and always came out on top in any action figure battles. I remember buying this figure in a store next to the bowling alley in Easton. I also bought a Star Wars Colorforms (plastic stickers kind of thing) from that same store, but I don’t think it was on the same trip.

Yoda Action Figure CardYoda came with an orange snake, a walking kane, a little robe made out of cloth and a utility belt, that had, what I imagined, a small silver lightsaber on it. This figure was just so darn cute! Who wouldn’t love it. It’s how I like to rememeber Yoda: light and funny. Not all grim and serious, like in Return of the Jedi. I mean, he had Fozzy the Bear’s voice for crying out loud.

The back of his card is the same as the Bossk card I have. It doesn’t hav a price sticker on it. “Meets or exceeds all safety requirements of Product Standard 72-76″ is on front, under the Kenner logo.

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